Painting Recipes

Sunday, 29 October 2017

Edward Scissorhands for the Death Guard

This week the Real Life took over so that there is not too much progress. I only managed to finish painting one lonely miniature I baptised Edward Scissorhands!

Death Guard Chaos Lord
Pict 267: Death Guard Chaos Lord
Death Guard Chaos Lord
Pict 268: Death Guard Chaos Lord
 This miniature is originally one of the Chaos Chosen from the Dark Vengece box. I really liked it when it was released and got it as th only one of the Chaos part of the box. This week I decided to repaint it for my new Death Guard army. I delibered how to use it with the Codex and only found two ways: Either use it as a proxy Possed Marine or a Chaos Lord. I finally decided to go with the Chaos Lord because the miniature has an appropriate amount of detail and I don't own any other Posessed so that a single one wouldn't be that usefull.
Only thing missing is the basing - I ran out of Agrellan Badland when I finished the Plague Marines. I wanted to show the Lord nevertheless but I'll have to swing by my FLGS and pick up some paints.

Pict 269: Nymphe (WIP)
Pict 270: Giant Eagle (WIP)

Next up are two WIPs for my Wood Elves army. I had a spare Dryad lying about and converted her with some mor branches out the back to use her as a Nymphe. I wanted to try and go with a birch theme for this one since I never had done it before. I'm not quite happy yet but luckily I'm not done yet! The Giant Eagle is also quite far along - the feathers are almost done I only want to get a bit more of a brown pattern on the white parts and then I can finish up the details such as the beak and the claws.

Sunday, 22 October 2017

More Asrai and Noldorim

I finally tackled on of those projects that stood around half-finished! Besides two more Wardancers, I got around to paint some Highelves for the Hobbit SBG. Other than that I started batch-painting some Rohirrim to bolster my mounted forces with some footmen.

Shadowdancer, Shadow Coil
Pict 263: Shadowdancer, Shadow Coil
Shadowdancer, Shadow Coil
Pict 264: Shadowdancer, Shadow Coil
Since I painted the unit of Wardances some weeks back I have been eying these miniatures. Since they are only two miniatures, the awesome poses were able to convince me to slip them into the painting queue. With the Shadow Coil done I now painted all the mail order exclusive miniatures - I find they break up a normal unit of wardancers nicely and are unique enough to be counted as Champions or even Shadowdancers.

Pict 265: Noldorim
These miniatures are part of a 400 point Highelf army that I worked on for about two years. I built the force around the two heroes Elrond and Lindir, both on foot in Heavy Armour. I very much love the idea of a Nature's Wrath every turn - but to get that the dice have to play along... For the colour scheme I took notes from the Rivendell Knights - I'd like to have a consistent force and thus my Highelfs represent the Noldorim of the Third Age.
With this project completed I also surpassed my painting tally of last year! So anything I paint will add to my new record even if I wont be able to reach my lofty goal of painting up more than I buy.

Pict 266: Rohan Warriors (WIP)

Finally here's a WIP picture of the next big project: foot slogging Rohan. This army relies on throwing spears to soften up the opponent. I'm looking forward to using this one in games as well!

Sunday, 15 October 2017

The rage of the Gundabad Berserkers

So after I didn't finish anything last week, this week I did get something done! Other than the four Gundabad Berserkers, I advanced some other projects - but they are nowhere near to show even as a WIP.
Gundabad Bersekers
Pict 260: Gundabad Bersekers
Gundabad Bersekers
Pict 261: Gundabad Bersekers
 As I said in the blurb - the only thing I finished are the four Gundabad Berserkers. They were considered for a team tournament, but right now it looks like they will be substituted by an Ogre. The hit to the army's breakoint is not to and the ability to throw opponents is to good to give up.
I'm rather happy with how the grey skin turned out - much better than the one I managed on Bolg. So redoing that is added to the ToDo pile.

Diablo II D&D Miniatures
Pict 262: Diablo II D&D Miniatures

Speaking of the ToDo pile: A good friend of mine gifted me these amazing D&D miniatures made by Wizards of the Coast to add to my list of thinges to paint. I really like the oldschool look of them and do look forward to work on them. And of course to get to play them!

Monday, 2 October 2017

More dancing Asrai and finally finished the Ogres

So this week was productive in terms of numers of painted miniatures and I'm really happy to have surpassed 200. Not to many more and I'll surpass last year's tally.

Pict 256: Wardancers
Pict 257: Wardancers
First up: Here are the Wardancers I started last week. I just finished them right now and the basing materials are still drying. I really had a great time painting them and once the first few highlights were down they came together rather quickly. I tried out some different shapes with the freehands, but didn't go to crazy. There are still about ten more Wardancers somewhere in a box but I might switch it up with the Asrai... I had started with the Warhawk Riders but I plucked them from their mounts again to ad some more flowing capes.

Gundabad Ogres
Pict 258: Gundabad Ogres
Gundabad Ogres
Pict 259: Gundabad Ogres

And here are the Gundabad Ogres finally finished. It took a while but now I'm happy with their skin. The yellowness of last week disappeared quickly with two glazes. After I was done with all those I added a little Reikland Fleshshade to deepen shadows such as under the knee or between the fingers. As a finishing touch I added the leafs to the bases.

So that's what I painted this week. The plan still stands to finish up some more projects on my desk, but right now I'm torn and don't know what will be next. Usually I'd try and show a WIP but since there are so many I'll surprise myself.