These past weeks, I got back into Infinity with a few games and a bit of painting. I also finished my Rangers.
Pict 568: Hassassin Áyyār, Hassassin Lasiq |
Pict 569: Hassassin Áyyār, Hassassin Lasiq |
I'm taking part in an Infinity Escalation League and last weekend we started with a few games of 100 points. I enjoyed having the small group and limited rules so that I'll be able to get to grips with the system step by step. Sadly I didn't finish painting my list, but the games really gave me the inspiration to get paint on the Haqqislam miniatures. With that I finished two Hassassins just this week and I think I should be able to paint enough for our next gameday.
Pict 570: Rangers of the North |
Pict 571: Rangers of the North |
And here are the Rangers of the North I started at the tailend of 2018. They are similar enough to the Dúnedain so that I already had my colour scheme down and could go right at it. I only had to finish the highlighting, so that I could finish them during the course of an evening.
Pict 572: Aragorn, Halbarad, Arathorn, Aragon |
Pict 573: Aragorn, Halbarad, Arathorn, Aragon |
And here are the heroes I painted to go with my Ranger force. Arathorn and Halbarad obviously fit the Ranger theme and will lead them when I'm not playing them as the Gray Company. I'm looking forward to trying this new legendary armylist out with my next few games of ME SBG, and with yesterday's pre-orders I will add to the force with the new Three Huntes.
Pict 574: Umber Hulk, Hassassin Ragik (WIP) |
And here's something I'm working on right now: The next Hassassin and the first monster for D&D. the Ragik is already at tha stage of highlighting while the Umber Hulk just now got the basic colours.
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