So this week was not as succesful for my painting as I only managd to drybrush leadbelcher on the Grimhammers. I wont bother taking a picture because the is hardly a difference to the picture form last week. But as I expected I was distracted by the order that arrived from Forge World.
Pict 093: The Forge World Order |
Pict 094: A Bunch of Resin |
So here is a picture of all the resin goodness; first still in packaging, second everithing unpacked and ready for a soapy bath. Once everything was scrubbed down with a toothbrush and some dishsoap water, I started building.
Pict 095: Iron Hills Captain and Banner Bearer |
Pict 096: Iron Hills Goat Riders |
At first I straggled a bit with the Iron Hills Command pack. While the miniatures are amazing, I had to once again get to grips with my super glue. And once I got to the Goat Riders everything was in full swing. They went together like a dream - almost no moldlines, only a little bit under the hindlegs. I will have to sillin some gaps that cant be avioded but I can't strain enough haw amazing these miniatures are! I really looking forward to getting some paint on them and ger them on the tabletop.
Pict 097: Reptus Skullbreakers (Conversions) |
Finally I will have to add three more miniatures onto the pile of miniature bought - I got myself three Reptus Skullbreakers from Reaper and converted them a bit to give a litte variety to weapons. My Dungeons and Dragons party got reinforcements in form of a Dragonborn Warlock. I look forward to test those eldritch powers against my minions!
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