Monday, 25 December 2017

Winged Synapse and more 'nids

With the incomeing winterbreak, I had a bit more time at my hands and I finished the Tyranids I started last week, but I didn't stop there and went right ahead with some more gribblies.

Tyranid Warriors (2nd ed)
Pict 309 : Tyranid Warriors (2nd ed)
Tyranid Warriors (2nd ed)
Pict 310: Tyranid Warriors (2nd ed)
The first item I painted this week were the two second edition Tyranid Warrior. I love these early sculpts and I'm tempted to get some more of the early Tyranid miniatures and build up a larger force for second edition 40k.

Tyranid Shrike
Pict 311: Tyranid Shrike
Tyranid Shrike
Pict 312: Tyranid Shrike
Tyranid Shrike
Pict 313: Tyranid Shrike
Tyranid Shrike
Pict 314: Tyranid Shrike
Tyranid Shrike
Pict 315: Tyranid Shrike
Tyranid Shrike
Pict 316: Tyranid Shrike

Just today I put the finishing touches on my Shrikes. I'm happy with the conversion but since the poses are rather similar right now, I might look at doing some more in the future - the only problem I see with the Varghaist wings is that they dont have the fleshy bits carved into them. But that's marginal. I hope that the fast synapse will keep my army together.

Tyranids (WIP)
Pict 317: Tyranids (WIP)
Contiuning on with the Tyranids, I built and primed some more of the 'nids from my 40k box. Right now I'm working on similar basecoats to the ones last week but on a Tyrant Guard, two Zoanthropes, some Sporemines and my fith Hive Tyrant (you can never have enough!).
In the new year I hope to write a narrative campaign for the two biggest 40k forces I own - the Tyranids vs. the Flesh Tearers. I do have some things in mind and I hope that a campaign will give me the drive to finish up some more of the miniatures in my 40k box before I am distracted.


  1. Looking great and I love the Shrike but damn you and your oldhammer models! I got to get me a 3rd Ed Zoey, they are just too good. It looks different enough to be passed off as a Neurothrope which makes it versatile too.

    1. Thank you! Yeah, that 3. ed Zoanthrope will someday be played as a Neurothrope - right now he's the sixth in th bunch so it will make more sense to keep them all together. I acually have him long enough to have planned to use him as the Doom of Malantai...

    2. Ahh, I miss the Doom and his pod. (not really! I'd much rather have the current codex!)
