Sunday 11 August 2024

Getting into Alkemy with the Rados Cults

Progress has slowed quite significantly with both the Real Life™ and the summer getting in the way of building and painting. I did, however, manage to paint up a starter set for Alkemy the Game choosing the Rados Cult faction during last year's Kickstarter for the Second Edition rules. I also started working on a few more reinforcements for my Heresy Blood Angels and I hope to field them at a campaign kick-off event later this month.

The Rados Cults lead by Radamante
Pict 1450: The Rados Cults lead by Radamante
Rados Cults Starter Set
Pict 1451: Rados Cults Starter Set
Rados Cults Starter Set
Pict 1452: Rados Cults Starter Set

So, this is my version of the Rados starter set. The team consisting of one hero, a priestess and 4 warriors with different specialisations. Having played a few rounds I already love the game. It playes on a small board – easily doable on a kitchen table – and has interesting tactical interactions between activation points, custom dice and a bluffing mechanic with cards to resolve combats.

I did ejoy painting these six miniatures to get back into the swing of things. While the process is pretty straight forward, I also wrote it down as a guide for anyone interested or to remind myself should I need it later. I am particularly happy with the bases. While they are similar to the ones I do for my Infinity miniatures, I managed to put a bit more details and other textures in as well.

I'm really looking forward to expanding my collcetion here – even with a newer faction such as the Rados, there is a really good selection of other heroes, warriors and even monsters to choose from and to change up the game play!

Heresy Blood Angels Melta Support Squad, Moritat and Rhino (WIP)
Pict 1453: Heresy Blood Angels Melta Support Squad, Moritat and Rhino (WIP)

One of the best motivations to finish miniatures is an upcoming event. I plan to get to a kick-off event for a campaign at one of the local stores.We will be playing games of Zone Mortalis as well as regular Heresy and for the latter I wanted some anti-armour unit to do work against tanks and elite units. Instead of going with the ubiquitous Lascannon squad I went with a Melta support squad a Rhino to get them to where they are needed most. And while I had the fitting paints out, I also stared with a Moritat to join my Mortalis Destroyers as well as a Boarding Marine. The latter was a prize at the Zone Mortalis tournament at the start of the year and I wanted to paint it up before this next event at the same location.

For now, the Rhino has the base colours as well as the decals and is ready for the oilwash. The infantry has some of the colours but will get the rest of them over the next few evenings.


  1. First time I have seen these minis. They have nice crisp look to them. They Look good with a bit of a Martian vibe.

    1. Yes! They have something very alien about them with the missing noses and the somewhat enlarged heads. There are some very cool miniatures for the Alkemy game.
