Painting Recipe: Raven Guard (Horus Heresy)


Black Armour:
 Abaddon Black Spray - primer
 Mechanicum Standard Grey Spray - soft zenithal highlight
 Black Oil Paint - oilwash
 Dawnstone - edge highlight and scratches
 Iron Warriors - edge highlight and scratches

Armour Seals:
 Eshin Grey - basecoat
 Black Oil Paint - oilwash
 Eshin Grey - highlight

 Iron Warriors - basecoat
 Black Oil Paint - oilwash
 Exhaust Manifold (Vallejo) - highlight
 Leadbelcher - highlight

 Crystal Blue (AP) - basecoat
 Black Oil Paint - oilwash
 Crystal Blue (AP) - highlight
 Crystal Blue (AP) / Voidshield Blue (AP) - highlight
 Voidshield Blue (AP) - highlight

Cameleoline Cloaks:
 Abaddon Black Spray - primer
 Mechanicum Standard Grey Spray - soft zenithal highlight
 Eshin Grey - feathered highlight
 Dawnstone - feathtered highlight
 Black Oil Paint - oilwash

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