Lately the Arnor Battle Company is really the main project and I managed to make a good start on the Dúnedain. I also completed two more heroes of Middle Earth, but the main part of my hobby time this week was spent building miniatures from Gale Force 9's line of Dungeons and Dragons miniatures.
Pict 381: Elrond and Aragorn |
Pict 382: Elrond, Lord of Rivendell |
Pict 383: Elrond, Lord of Rivendell |
First up, I painted the next Elrond. This Lord of Rivendell's likeness to Hugo Weaving is not quite as good as the armoured one I paintet last week, but I very much enjoyed the robes of this particular miniature. There is now not that much infantry left for me to paint for the Noldorim army. After that I will have to bite the bullet and get on with the horses of the Rivendell Knights.
Pict 384: Aragorn (Fellowship) |
Pict 385: Aragorn (Fellowship) |
To start painting some other colours than the ones I use with the Noldorim and the Arnor Warriors I painted this Aragorn. I really like the poses of the first Fellowship box set and they are part of my new year's resolutions as I wanted to finish the Balin's Tomb diorama.
Pict 386: Witchfate Tor, Tower of Sorcery |
Pict 387: Witchfate Tor, Tower of Sorcery |
Pict 388: Witchfate Tor, Tower of Sorcery |
Pict 389: Witchfate Tor, Tower of Sorcery |
I also painted up this first storey of a Witchfate Tor. I had this piece of scenery in a half-painted state for about four to five years now and I decided to finish it. I want to use it in a D&D game and hope this will be an incentive to get to the other layers of the tower. But I also want to paint up some more monsters and villans for the next sessions...
Pict 390: Dúnedain (WIP) |
These Dúnedain will be the Rangers of my Arnor force and I hope to finish them up fast during the coming week. I made good progress and they have now had their base colours and washed put on them. As you can see, I have one of all of the six poses GW and I converted the others to have some more unique ones.
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