Sunday 31 May 2020

A few Grey Wizards and progress on the Uruk-hai Pikemen

I spent these past two weeks mainly on the remaining Uruk-hai Warriors but I managed to sneak some Gandalf miniatures in to save my sanity!

A Gaggle of Gandalfs
Pict 899: A Gaggle of Gandalfs
Pict 900: Gandalf
Pict 901: Gandalf
First up are the only models I actually finished: The four Gandalfs I still had lying around – and in one fell swoop I doubled the different Gandalf miniatures I painted. I very much enjoyed layering the different greys and give the miniature likenesses of Ian McKellen a good try. Mostly this went well but especially the sculpt on the right with the hat posed some difficulties. And of course there is that plastic Gandalf from the Mines of Moria starter box - pretty much the worst sculpt of Gandalf GW produced. Luckily, I painted him now with the other three so that I actually did it.

Uruk-hai Warriors (WIP)
Pict 902: Uruk-hai Warriors (WIP)
And here is my progress with the Uruk-hai. I finished the base colours and put down the washes but the punted the issue of starting the highlights. I now will have to break the group up into smaller, more managable chunks because otherwise I'll never get them done.


  1. Gee, those Uruk Hai look great in a big block like that! Fierce as heck.

    1. Yeah! I love the look of them ranked up as a phalanx. But I'll also have to take a picture of them not in a straight line next time - looks great as well!
