Sunday, 29 December 2024

Solstice28 Idols

One last post for 2024 – finishing up some more Middle-earth miniatures, that had been unfinished for some time. Also getting to the Solstice28 Icons to do some more terrain!

Orcs and Wargs
Pict 1518: Orcs and Wargs
Solstice28 Icons
Pict 1519: Solstice28 Icons
Solstice28 Icons
Pict 1520: Solstice28 Icons

Since it is that time of the year, I got out the Solstice28 icons sculpted by @4ydra and quickly painted them. They are done in the same way that I had painted for example the Garden of Morr and should fit in nicely on my Realm of Battle board.

Sharku, Wild Warg Chieftain, Orc Shaman on Warg
Pict 1521: Sharku, Wild Warg Chieftain, Orc Shaman on Warg

These four Wargs / Orcs had also been started this spring and had lain about since then. After finishing the Orcs, I showed of in the last post, I also finished this Wild Warg Chieftain, Orc Shaman on Warg as well as Sharku over a few evenings. The new edition is generally looking quite good and I look forward to adding a dew more pieces here and there to my armies to get them up to speed in the new year!

Gríma Wormtongue (WIP)
Pict 1522: Gríma Wormtongue (WIP)

The first of these small additions will be Gríma Wormtongue to slot into my Isengard army. Odd that it should take me this long to paint him up since he performs quite a nice role. But to be honest, I didn't even remember I had this metal sculpt stashed away in one of my boxes...

Sunday, 15 December 2024

Legio Solaria Warlord Titan

These past two weeks, I completed the paintjob on the Legio Solaria Warlord. Afterwards, I also finished up a few more projects that had been lying around, some of them for quite some time.

Legio Solaria Warlord supporting Blood Angels
Pict 1503: Legio Solaria Warlord supporting Blood Angels
Legio Solaria Warlord Titan
Pict 1504: Legio Solaria Warlord Titan
Legio Solaria Warlord Titan
Pict 1505: Legio Solaria Warlord Titan
Legio Solaria Warlord Titan
Pict 1506: Legio Solaria Warlord Titan
Legio Solaria Warlord Titan
Pict 1507: Legio Solaria Warlord Titan
Legio Solaria Warlord Titan
Pict 1508: Legio Solaria Warlord Titan
Legio Solaria Warlord Titan
Pict 1509: Legio Solaria Warlord Titan
Legio Solaria Warlord Titan
Pict 1510: Legio Solaria Warlord Titan

That's my first finished Titan – ready to be used in games of Legions Imperialis. Such a great looking model! The little Marines on the base help to sell the scale even more. As you can see from the pictures, the arms are magnetised; the shoulder mounted guns are as well. I can see myself getting some of the more exotic arms made by ForgeWorld. I am also looking at adding in at least some Warhounds and Knights of House Procon Vi to get the collection ready for Adeptus Titanicus as well.

Mordor Orcs and Warg Riders
Pict 1511: Mordor Orcs and Warg Riders
Mordor Orcs
Pict 1512: Mordor Orcs
Warg Riders
Pict 1513: Warg Riders

With the new edition of the Middle-earth Strategy Battle game, I also finally finished the remaining four Warg Riders that have been in my box of current projects for over three years now. It feels great to have them finished now. I even got to play a game with them yesterday as part of the new Army of the White Hand. I also took this chance to finish some more Orc Warriors that I had laying around half-finished for a few months. These conversions of Orcs with both spears and shields might not see that much play, however, since the load out has been removed by the new edition.

Zone Mortalis Reactor Tile
Pict 1514: Zone Mortalis Reactor Tile
Zone Mortalis Reactor Tile
Pict 1515: Zone Mortalis Reactor Tile
Zone Mortalis Reactor Tile
Pict 1516: Zone Mortalis Reactor Tile
Zone Mortalis Reactor Tile
Pict 1517: Zone Mortalis Reactor Tile

Lastly, I also put the finishing touches on this Zone Mortalis tile, I had started sometime during the summer. I'm quite happy with the result! After the oilwash, I only picked out a few more details and then added the grey weathering powder that I use for my 30k/40k minatures.

With these ones finished, I have managed to hit my goal of painting 100 miniatures this year – just in time for the look back I will do at the start of January!

Sunday, 1 December 2024

DreadTober Pickups and the Raven Guard Delegatus

These past two weeks, I focused on finishing up the two Dreadnoughts that I had planned as strech goals for this years DreadTober. You have to strike the iron while it is hot – and it is always better to finish up a project before starting a new one.

Blood Angels Dreadnoughts
Pict 1496: Blood Angels Dreadnoughts
Blood Angels Contemptor
Pict 1497: Blood Angels Contemptor
Blood Angels Contemptor
Pict 1498: Blood Angels Contemptor
Blood Angels Castraferrum Dreadnought
Pict 1499: Blood Angels Castraferrum Dreadnought

These two Dreadnoughts are left over from last month's DreadTober. I got quite far along with them and put in the time to finish up the highlights, the red armour and of course the weathering during two evenings. The Blood Angels Contemptor chassy is such a beatiful miniature! It a real shame, they don't produce the full kit anymore. The Castraferrum also came out great – I could easily see me painting more of those!

Raven Guard Delegatus Centurion
Pict 1500: Raven Guard Delegatus Centurion

I also finished up the Delegatus Centurion for my Raven Guard. The zenithal spray was a bit heavy so after the wash I went in with a careful glaze of Abaddon Black over the armour to darken him down further. I'm really quite happy with the way this one turned out and I'm looking forward to trying the small allied detachment out during the next game of Heresy I get to play.

Legions Imperialis Blood Angels Infantry (WIP)
Pict 1501: Legions Imperialis Blood Angels Infantry (WIP)

Again, riding the high of seeing the finished Legions' miniatures from my last post, I got to work on the basic Tactical Marines and Commanders for my second formation. I put in way to much detail into these tiny miniatures – on top of converting this batch by not only removing the filled in undercuts but also the chain bayonets to differetiate formations...

Legio Solaria Warlord (WIP)
Pict 1502: Legio Solaria Warlord (WIP)

And while painting small scale – why not paint another big miniature? I finally started to work on my Legio Solaria Warlord Titan; I remember that I had this one primed and ready during 2023's DreadTober and it's really good to get to it now! I managed to put on the base colours; stippling the green armour panels instantly brought the model life! Getting through all the trim did take quite a bit of persistence. Next up will be the decals and the oil wash. I plan to do only a small bit of weathering and highlighting afterwards, so I hope to have broken the back of this project!

Pict 1503: Skulls!

Lastly I painted up these two little skulls. I had scuplted them with left over green stuff after seeing Trent from Miscast's video on making miniatures. I don't have a use for them quit yet – maybe as wound markers sometime – but I'm like them nonetheless. It's fun to have something entirely made by your hands!