Sunday, 26 January 2025

Big into small scale

These past week has been quite prolific! Again, mainly due to finishing up projects from the end of last year, but also some new stuff. I managed to complete a set of Legions Imperialis Tactical Marines as well as the Cerastus Knight Lancers I had started the week before.

Blood Angels Tacticals advancing with Cerastus Lancer Support
Pict 1535: Blood Angels Tacticals advancing with Cerastus Lancer Support
Legions Imperialis Blood Angels Tactical Marines
Pict 1537: Legions Imperialis Blood Angels Tactical Marines

So this is the second set of eight Tacticals I painted for my Legions Imperialis Blood Angels. This should allow me to fill up the Core slots for quite a few formations even at bigger points levels. I converted this batch by removing not only the undercuts but also the chain bayonet attachments. I plan to use them as part of a Garrison Force, while the others with the bayonets will have to be a bit more up close in an Aerial Assault or Drop Pod Assault formation.

House Procon Vi Cerastus Lancers
Pict 1538: House Procon Vi Cerastus Lancers

I also finished up the two Cerastus Lancers from last post. They painted up really fast! House Procon Vi seems to have been a rather serendipitous choice.

Legio Solaria Warhound (WIP)
Pict 1538: Legio Solaria Warhound (WIP)

After finishing the Lancers, I also got started on this Warhound to add to my Legio Solaria. Again, a really fun colour scheme to paint. But oh so much trim! Though not as bad as the Warlord of course. Nevertheless, I do love the silhouette of the Warhound and look forward to paint more of them.

Legions Imperialis Blood Angels Tarantuals and Plant the Standart Marker (WIP)
Pict 1539: Legions Imperialis Blood Angels Tarantuals and Plant the Standart Marker (WIP)

The next little project for the LI Blood Angels will be these Tarantulas and a single banner bearer on a 32mm base. The latter will be my special marker for when I roll up the Plant the Standard secondary objective. I want to try and put a free hand on the banner, but we will see how that turns out. Worst case, I'll have to paint over my attempt and just use a decal as with the Command Squads I painted.


  1. Nice additions! The Warhound came out quite well. The trim is real though. So much tiny fun stuff!

    1. Thanks! These small models are really quick and fun to paint! Now I only need to get a few more games in.

  2. Ohh, these look awesome! I'm just getting into the new Adeptus Titanicus, this is huge hype for me!

    1. Thanks mate! The detail in these kits really amazes me again and again. Great fun!

  3. Nice job, the warhound looks great.

    1. Thank you! With the scheme I'm using there is reall not that much more to highlight before I can start on the next one!

  4. Lovely additions. The Warhoubd is great, but those Knights *chefs kiss* the contrast really well with the red of the BA and stand out.

    1. Thank you so much! The Knights painted up quite fast, I can't wait to get some more and most importantly get them on the table!

  5. Wow! The minis look great and you've done really well. Nice detail with the little marine on the base of the Cerastus.

    Interesting colour scheme for the Knights and the Titans. You don't see that often.

    1. Cheers! I do like to put these left-over Marines on the bigger bases. They do sell scale of the knights and titans!
