Sunday, 23 February 2025

Blood Angels Tournament Prep and Legions Imperialis Escalation

A good few weeks of highlighting stuff saw me finishing the next few Blood Angels I needed for the next few weeks: Assault Marines for my Legions Imperialis collection to play in the second game of an escalation league. And of course the Lascannon Support Squad for an upcoming Heresy tournament.

Legions Imperialis Assault Marines Aerial Attack
Pict 1552: Legions Imperialis Assault Marines Aerial Attack
Legions Imperialis Blood Angels Assault Marines
Pict 1553: Legions Imperialis Blood Angels Assault Marines

These Assault Marines painted up astonishingly fast. The base colours and wash were done over the course of two evenings with the highlights taking only two additional ones. I'm really looking forward to having this full detachment assaulting the back lines right out of a Thunderhawk flying overhead.

Blood Angels Lascannon Drop Assault
Pict 1554: Blood Angels Lascannon Drop Assault
Blood Angels Lascannon Heavy Support Squad
Pict 1555: Blood Angels Lascannon Heavy Support Squad

The Lascannons should really help my winning chances, seeing as they are discussed as a somewhat overpowered unit. I have not used them yet in any games, but I have been on the receiving end of them. We'll see what they can to in two weeks time!

Blood Angels Drop Pod
Pict 1556: Blood Angels Drop Pod
Blood Angels Drop Pod
Pict 1557: Blood Angels Drop Pod

Man, during some of the stages of this Drop Pod, I just wanted to get the painting over with. One set back was the way I did the decals: I had not used any Micro Set like I usually do and after the oilwash, the outline was quite visible. I hope the glaze of red helped top tie them in once more... These larger panels also felt like a different thing to paint, since up until now I had mainly done Infantry or Dreadnought miniatures for my Heresy Blood Angels. I'm not perfectly happy with the finish on the doors, but the weathering does hide most of the worst offenders.

Blood Angels Dreadnought Drop Pod (WIP)
Pict 1558: Blood Angels Dreadnought Drop Pod (WIP)

The other Drop Pod I want to have finished for the tournament in mid-march is this big boy to transport my Leviathan. While it is bigger than the normal Drop Pod, I hope it should be done quicker since there is way less interior detail. Anyway, two weeks should be enough, if I don't get distracted...

Legio Solaria Warhounds, House Procon Vi Cerastus Lancers (WIP)
Pict 1559: Legio Solaria Warhounds, House Procon Vi Cerastus Lancers (WIP)

Speaking of distractions: I really had to do something other than highlight Blood Angels after all of the above. I recently played my first introductory game of Adeptus Titanicus and I really enjoyed it! As of now I am not quite able to field a legal Maniple and so to rectify this issue, I stared the work on the next three Warhound Titans for my Legio Solaria. Stippling the green armour plates is quick work, but it does so much to bring them to life! There is not that much more detail work to do (apart from the bronze trim) on before the decals and the oilwash. I also did the base colours on two additional Cerastus Knights to go with the Warhounds.


Sunday, 9 February 2025

More Orcs, more Blood Angels

Another two weeks that have been quite productive! I finished some Orcs and three Spectres for my Minas Morgul army as well as some more reinforcements for my Legions Imperialis Blood Angels in the form of Tarantulas and the first Legio Solaria Warhound. I also started to work on some more Blood Angels for the Horus Heresy.

Spectres and Orcs on the Outskirts of Mordor
Pict 1540: Spectres and Orcs on the Outskirts of Mordor
Mordor Orcs, Dummer, Captain
Pict 1541: Mordor Orcs, Dummer, Captain
Mordor Orcs, Dummer, Captain
Pict 1542: Mordor Orcs, Dummer, Captain

First up I finished two of the lovley metal Orcs with bows as well as a Captain and a Drummer. The latter might no longer be able to double up with a hero's heroric march, but should still allow my Mordor Orcs to cross the battlefield a bit faster. In the one game I used him, I did make the mistake to also count his drumming to affect the Uruk-hai part of my Cirith Ungol army when it only affects Mordor Orcs. Still, he should come in usefull! Next up will have to be the Taskmaster to fill out my toolkit and of course there are still some more poses from the metal sculpts that I have not yet painted.

Dead Marsh Spectres
Pict 1543: Dead Marsh Spectres
Dead Marsh Spectres
Pict 1544: Dead Marsh Spectres

Formerly known as Dead Marsh Spectres, the Spectres are now availiable to a few more lists. I'm really happy to have these painted, since now I will be able to play my normal Orcs as part of Minas Morgul or Angmar army. I might also expand into a full Shadows of Angmar list by painting some more heroes.

Legions Imperialis Blood Angels Tarantulas and Plant the Standart Objective Marker
Pict 1545: Legions Imperialis Blood Angels Tarantulas and Plant the Standart Objective Marker

These little critters were done quite fast after the last post. I'm looking forward to playing them more - they seem to be a cheap way to hold and defend an objective marker in your own deployment zone at least for a while.

I also worked up the courage to do a free hand of an angel on the little banner for my Plant the Standart marker. While it might not be the the best that could be done, I'm happy with the result. Especially considering the size of the surface I had to work with.

Legio Solaria Warhound Titan on the Prowl
Pict 1546: Legio Solaria Warhound Titan on the Prowl
Legio Solaria Warhound
Pict 1547: Legio Solaria Warhound
Legio Solaria Warhound
Pict 1548: Legio Solaria Warhound
Legio Solaria Warhound
Pict 1549: Legio Solaria Warhound

The first Legio Solaria Warhound is done! After the last post there was not to much more to be done, but glazing on a highlight on the red and white panels always helps to elevate the paintjob. I have already prepared the next few Warhounds by de-chaosifying two Legio Mortis engines that I got second hand.

Blood Angels Lascannon Heavy Support Squad (WIP)
Pict 1550: Blood Angels Lascannon Heavy Support Squad (WIP)
Blood Angels Drop Pod and Dreadnought Drop Pod (WIP)
Pict 1551: Blood Angels Drop Pod and Dreadnought Drop Pod (WIP)

Lastly, I also started working on some more 28mm Blood Angels. Once again, there is a tournament approaching at the start of March and I would like to finish a few more things for the 3k list I want to use then. Since it will be an event that leans more towards the competitive side rather than the narrative, I am painting a unit of the dreaded Heavy Support Marines with Lascannons. I also plan to use a Drop Pod to bring my Veterans and a Leviathan into battle as part of a Day of Revelations deepstrike assault. There is still about one month to finish them up and I already feel quite good about them. The basecolours, decals and the oilwash are done. Some highlights on the details will be done quickly. Glazing and weathering the red armour panels is always what takes me the longest.