These past two weeks I finished three Warhound Titans for my Legio Solaria as well as two more Cerastus Knights. They will definitly see play in Adeptus Titanicus and maybe Legions Imperialis. I also painted up a further bunch of Contemptor Dreadnoughts for Legions Imperialis and worked on an Ent for Monster March.
Pict 1563: Legio Solaria Warhounds |
The three Warhounds were finished up over the course of a few evenings after the oilwash had dried and was sealed in with a layer of varnish. I really enjoy the constrast between the green and the red panels! It really makes them stand out. As the title suggests, I could even run these three as a maniple! But of course, I'm looking forward to adding in some more titans...
Pict 1564: Additional Warlord Titan Weapons |
Whilst painting the Warhounds, I also painted up a few more weapons for my Warlord Titan. Since I got the Titan second hand, it was missing the Apocalypse Missile Launchers – a flaw I remedied and simultaneously got myself a nice and big Volkite weapon for the arm slot. Magnets really make these big models quite fun!
Pict 1565: House Procon Vi Cerastus Lancers |
I finished the two additional Cerastus Lancers even before the Warhounds. House Procon Vi really paints up quickly! I incorporated some more blue and white panels to break up the black armour on these ones. I'm really happy with the way they came out and I'm looking forward to getting some Questoris and Acastus frames to paint up!
Pict 1566: Legions Imperialis Blood Angels Contemptro Dreadnoughts |
To add even more to my Legions Imperialis collection, I painted even more Contemptor Dreadnoughts. As with the Knights, I varied the colours of the panels by adding in some black and gold ones. I do now have a whopping ten of each load out. Now, if only there was a formation to run them as a proper Fury of the Ancients, I'd be really happy!
Pict 1567: Legions Imperialis Blood Angels Kratos (WIP) |
Next up then for Legions Imperialis will be the start of an Armoured Company formation with a bunch of Kratos battletanks. I might try and put the base colours on even more tanks and do the oil wash all at the same time. We'll see what distracts me next...
Pict 1568: Commander, Best Painted Prize (WIP) |
Lastly, a quick update on my 28mm Blood Angels: Lats weeks' tournament saw my Blood Angels list beaten twice and victorious once. They did, however, score me the best painted price in the form of this fun 3D print. I'm still debating whether I should paint this Marine as a Blood Angel or as a Raven Guard – both would look ace, I think!
I'm totally in love with your work, it's all stunning! The Warhounds are specially impressive, they look ace