This first week of the year was already a quite productive one. Not only did I manage to finish my Iron Hills army, but I also played a bunch of Battle Companies games.
Pict 328: Iron Hills Chariot |
Pict 329: Iron Hills Chariot |
Pict 330: Iron Hills Chariot |
First up is the Iron Hills Chariot, giving
this post its fitting title. I really didn't want to highlight up those
goats (so many layers on small bits of fur...), but I had this particular headline in my head
everytime I looked at the Chariot and tought about putting the snow on
the base and I wanted to get it done for this winter. Other
than the goats, I only had to finish up the crew and put the miniature together. I love the miniature but I don't think I'll paint another one anytime soon.
Pict 331: Iron Hills Warriors (Crossbows) |
Pict 332: Iron Hills Warriors (Crossbows) |
These other Iron Hills Dwarfs also took up space on my desk and with them finished, I completed every model I currently own for the army. I'm pretty happy with how the force stands right now, but I'm sure I'll add to it in time. There are still a few warriors I'll have to get to play at least some of the scenarios in the There And Back Again book and maybe, just maybe, I'll get a blister of warriors with mattocks to play them as a Battle Company.
Pict 333: Dayael, Noldor Captain |
Pict 334: Dayael, Noldor Captain |
Speaking of Battle Companies - This miniature here will be Dayael, the leader of my current Rivendell force. This iteration is only the third one, since with the first two both of my sargents managed to get themselves killed in the first few games. As it stands now the company managed to acually win a game and I hope to go forward with them and convert some more miniatures. The model itself is a pretty simple conversion I stole from the very first rulebook that came with the Fellowship starter set and features a bannerbearer's head on Elrond.
Pict 335: Naal, Noldor Captain (WIP) |
To this end: here is the next conversion I bashed together using a butchered Glorfindel as a base and adding a Captains head, the weapons of normal warriors and a quiver from the Rivendell Knight kit. I hope to finish him tomorrow and get to work on some other porject. I haven't forgotten about the Tyranids just yet and I do want to get to work on a battle company from Arnor. Then again there is my Dol Guldur company.
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