I managed to set a bit more time aside this week than the week before and I managed to get a bit more done - namely I finished the two leader beasts for the Tyranids. Other than that I continued to build stuff for Battle Companies and even found the time to get start the process of painting them.
Pict 351: Tyranid Leader Beasts |
Pict 352: Hive Tyrant |
Pict 353: Hive Tyrant |
Pict 354: Old One Eye |
Pict 355: Old One Eye |
Finally I got around to finish the carapace on the Hive Tyrant and Old One Eye. I wanted to be neater with them than my usual 'nids and I do like the effect I managed to achive for exemple on Old One Eye's crushing claws. But since I'll be turning my attention to little gribblies (with the exeption of the second Pyrovre) I don't think this more time exetesive method will catch on.
Pict 356: Iron Hills Objective Marker |
And with this dead Iron Hills Warrior, this is the third week I painted a fallen hero. This one was a bit more challaning since I had to sculpt parts of the sheath and the surounding area - that's where a Gundabad Ogre's foot would usually go. I'll have to get some dwarfs with Mattocks to play the Company but that's as good an excuse as I'll get to paint some more dwarfs.
Pict 357: Gundabad Orcs (WIP) |
Pict 358: Gundabad Orc Warrior Conversion (Update) |
So here is a picture of some Gundabad / Dol Guldur miniatures I started this week. I built the Gundabad Orcs for my Dol Guldur Battle Company and decided since the colours are basicly the same, I could also do the remainder of the Berserkers as well as the Keeper of the Dungeons. I converted one of the Gundabad Orcs that originaly had a spear to have an axe and a shield. And while I did that, I also gave the Orc from two weeks back a shield as well - both conversions were made possible by the donation of shields by my good friend DLT - thank you again!
By finishing the Tyranid beasties I freed up some space on my hobby desk but swiftly filled it up with the Orcs. I hope to get them done fast so I can start with a completly new good Battle Company - I now have almost all the minitatures I need...
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