Sunday 7 August 2022

Painting a second Contemptor

While I have not posted in a while, the Heresy bug really got to me and I have finished a second Contemptor for the Blood Angles while also making some headway on main troops to get them playable sometime in the foreseeable future.

Pict 1199: Blood Angels Contemptor Dreadnought
Pict 1200: Blood Angels Contemptor Dreadnought
Pict 1201: Blood Angels Contemptor Dreadnought
Pict 1202: Blood Angels Contemptor Dreadnought

I had originally planned to build and paint this second plastic Contemptor for my Luna Wolves. But after the great results with the first one, I had to use him for the IX Legion as well. The main part comes from the Betrayal at Calth Contemptor with the new plastic head and close combat arm to allow for a bit mor poseability. I also twisted the torso to make the forward striding pose a bit more dynamic. The kit is alright, but it really pales in comparison to the new one!

Pict 1203: Blood Angels Tactical Squad (WIP)
Pict 1204: Blood Angels Tactical Squad (WIP)

The first Tactical Squad was the next thing on the painting table to get my collection to a playable state. For now, five of them have had the base colours and transfers done and the oilwash is just drying. Highlighting should not take to much time I hope. The other five are still awaiting some glazing on the red armour before the transfers.


  1. Awesome! Very nice, grimy Marines.

    1. Thank you! They are something new for me, but quite fun to paint up!

  2. Great work my friend! The dark red color is perfect, so is the weathering.

    1. Yes, I'm really happy with the tone of red. The weatering looks good, but I think I can make it even better by thinking even more about where to put it realisticly.
