These past week has been quite prolific! Again, mainly due to finishing up projects from the end of last year, but also some new stuff. I managed to complete a set of Legions Imperialis Tactical Marines as well as the Cerastus Knight Lancers I had started the week before.
Pict 1535: Blood Angels Tacticals advancing with Cerastus Lancer Support |
Pict 1537: Legions Imperialis Blood Angels Tactical Marines |
So this is the second set of eight Tacticals I painted for my Legions Imperialis Blood Angels. This should allow me to fill up the Core slots for quite a few formations even at bigger points levels. I converted this batch by removing not only the undercuts but also the chain bayonet attachments. I plan to use them as part of a Garrison Force, while the others with the bayonets will have to be a bit more up close in an Aerial Assault or Drop Pod Assault formation.
Pict 1538: House Procon Vi Cerastus Lancers |
I also finished up the two Cerastus Lancers from last post. They painted up really fast! House Procon Vi seems to have been a rather serendipitous choice.
Pict 1538: Legio Solaria Warhound (WIP) |
After finishing the Lancers, I also got started on this Warhound to add to my Legio Solaria. Again, a really fun colour scheme to paint. But oh so much trim! Though not as bad as the Warlord of course. Nevertheless, I do love the silhouette of the Warhound and look forward to paint more of them.
Pict 1539: Legions Imperialis Blood Angels Tarantuals and Plant the Standart Marker (WIP) |
The next little project for the LI Blood Angels will be these Tarantulas and a single banner bearer on a 32mm base. The latter will be my special marker for when I roll up the Plant the Standard secondary objective. I want to try and put a free hand on the banner, but we will see how that turns out. Worst case, I'll have to paint over my attempt and just use a decal as with the Command Squads I painted.