This post will be mostly a look at the Haqqislam collection I managed to paint up last year. After that I will take a look back at what else I did for the hobby in 2019, adding in the last few models that managed to get added to the tally during the last two days of the year. And of course I will check back with my resolutions for 2019 and will formulate new ones for 2020.
Pict 796: Haqqislam Army 2019 |
Pict 797: Haqqislam Light Infantry 2019 |
Pict 798: Haqqislam Medium Infantry 2019 |
Pict 799: Haqqislam Heavy Infantry 2019 |
Pict 800: Haqqislam Skirmishers 2019 |
Pict 801: Infinity Characters 2019 |
Pict 802: Infinity Miscallaneous 2019 |
For this Showcase of the miniatures I painted for Infinity I started with an overview. Always nice to get a whole army out and take a group photo. You can't really make out any details however so I picked out some of my favourites to photograph in groupings according to their troop types.
Pict 803: The Hobby Tally 2019 |
And with those all added I can happily declare the Tally for 2019: I
painted 204 miniatures in total and bought 254 new ones. I still managed
to put quite a dent in my to do pile because I sold a bunch of projects
that did not excite me any longer as well as some miniatures that
didn't see the battlefield in some time (mainly 40k...). Thus my tally
will also include 481 models that I sold or gave away to friends.
Pict 804: Dungeons and Dragons / Critical Role Miniatures 2019 |
I painted quite an array of miniatures for Dungeons and Dragons. Of course there are quite a few of Steam Forged Games' Critical Role Miniatures and Gale Force 9's Collector's Series. But the miniatures by Darksword are all pretty amazing and of course the Unicorn by Reaper was quite an achivement at the end of the year!
Pict 805: Middle-earth Miniatures 2019 |
And here is a selection of Middle-earth models from last year. I had almost forgotten that I painted Tom Bombadil, Goldberry and the paralysed Hobbits, but the set is really quite nice. Golfimul and Grishnák will have to stand for the Mordor Orcs I painted and Halbarad for the Dúnedain. And of course one more picture from Arda that stands out is the
new banner!
Pict 806: Infinity ToDo 2020 |
Well if I want to measure my success in
accomplished resolutions, I have to say that 2019 was not that great. I only managed to fullfill two: I painted 32 D&D miniatures and I go ahead and count the Haqqislam army as a success as well. I did not paint the armies for the Middle-earth SBG I wanted to (Rivendell / Evil Men of the East / Osgiliath Ruins). And I once again bought more models than I painted... Still, I am quite happy with what I did this last year. I'm quite proud of my Infinity Collection and the varitey I painted for Dungeons and Dragons. ME SBG was not really my main system and thus I did not have the impetus to paint the models I thought were next on my to-do pile at the start of the year.
As for resolutions for 2020, I want to finish to paint all of the models I currently own for my Infinity armies (right now that's 40). For the Middle-earth SBG, I want to paint up some more Uruks, say to a playable level of 600 points. For my D&D collection I want to concentrate on the Critical Role miniatures and paint 25 overall. And of course I want to try again to paint more than I buy...
As far as blogging goes, last year I already had the idea to go for one post every two weeks. However I went for a more erratic schedule. Sometimes posting every week while other times missing three weeks in a row. For 2020 I want to stick to a regular schedule of a post every other week in order to not stress me out to much during those streches where there is little time for the hobby.
And with that I wish every reader a happy new year and a good year to do some hobbying!
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