I made some good progress this week and painted my remainging Gundabad Berserkers as well as the Gundabad Orcs and the Keeper of the Dungeon.
Pict 359: Gundabad Orcs |
Pict 360: Gundabad Berserkers |
Pict 361: Gundabad Orc Warriors |
I'm glad I wrote down what paints I used on my Gundabad Berserkers last year. That way I could refer back to my list this week to match them up. I had already used a similar way to paint the Gundabd Orc and I reapeaded what I had done with these new Orcs.
Pict 362: The Keeper of the Dungeons |
Pict 363: The Keeper of the Dungeons |
The Keeper was done in a similar way to the other orcs. With his odd bone armour and bear's feet as well as the blood in his beard he had some other colours introduced, but I keept him in line. He looks different than the way GW painted him as well as the version from the film but that way the force looks more cohesive.
Pict 364: Thráin the Broken |
Pict 365: Thráin the Broken |
Staying in Dol Guldur, I also painted Thráin the Broken. This was a quick one and I might get back to him to try my hand at freehanding some ornaments on parts of his coat. But for now I'm happy with him and look forward to using him in scenarios.
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