Sunday 30 September 2018

Building Osgiliath: Progress with the Putty

This week I was furthering my Osgiliath project, but I also got around to swing the paintbrush around a bit. Nothing completed but some progess nonetheless.

Osgiliath Ruins (WIP - Putty)
Pict 514: Osgiliath Ruins (WIP - Putty)
Osgiliath Ruins (WIP - Putty)
Pict 515: Osgiliath Ruins (WIP - Putty)

Here is a first look at what I want to achive with the putty on my ruins. I have gone over pretty much all of the seams and the bigger one on the edge of the building had some structure added to completely hide it. I'm not perfectly happy with how the flagstones on the upper floor came out, but I'll try and blend it in. It was my first time using Miliput and I have to say that I really like the rigid feel of it, now that it cured.

Goblintown Plattform (WIP)
Pict 516: Goblintown Plattform (WIP)

I also mashed together the leftovers wooden floors from the Osgiliath ruins. I cut into the flat edges, put the three pieces together and glued on some remaining stilts from the Goblintown set. Once the plattform has been sprayed I will start to paint it and the walkways.

Defenders of Rohan - Théoden and Éomer (WIP)
Pict 517: Defenders of Rohan - Théoden and Éomer (WIP)

Here are some miniatures I'm working on at the moment. They were started along with the mounted versions last week, but I didn't even have the time to get the basic colours down. They now had their first layers and the washes done. As you can see the eyes are in that comicly clownlike stage when I haven't cleaned them up around them with the skin colour.

Vax'ildan - Limited Edition (WIP)
Pict 518: Vax'ildan - Limited Edition (WIP)

And since I'm a butterfly I couldn't just stay with these projects and thus started work on this Vax'ildan by Steamforged Games. Since I backed their Critical Role Kickstarted but since we will have to wait a little longer I also got this limited Vax'ildan. The sculpt and casting are great, I only had to clean up little bits. I followed the scheme they put out on their website - the washes are down and like with Théoden and Éomer only the highlights are waiting to be done.


  1. Holy crap, they made miniatures out of the Critical Role characters?! What does Grog look like? Actually, never mind that, what do the ladies look like!!?

    1. Yep, there was a Kickstarter a while back - They should arrive some time early next year. I'm eager to see the material sice they are made from PVC just like the newer Guldball miniatures.
      And of course Grog has his giant axe and is raging!

    2. 20,000 backers and nearly a million quid pledged. Wow. The model company seems to be from Manchester, UK however. Are you sure its not a scam?

    3. Yeah Manchester seemed a bit dodgey... We'll see how they look, when they arrive. I'll keep you posted!
