Sunday 19 May 2019

Graz'zt, The Dark Prince, Demon Lord of the Abyss

For my post this week I had to do something special, because with this first photo I'll be hitting pict number 666! Of course I had to search for a devil to paint up. I found Graz'zt who is technically a Demon and not a Devil in the D&D cosmology, but with his horns he looks devilishly enough.

Graz'zt, The Dark Prince
Pict 666: Graz'zt, The Dark Prince
Graz'zt, The Dark Prince
Pict 667: Graz'zt, The Dark Prince
Graz'zt, The Dark Prince
Pict 668: Graz'zt, The Dark Prince

And here he is: Graz'zt the Dark Prince. I really liked painting another Demon Lord and just with Zuggtmoy, I tried something new here. There is a great painting tutorial by GaleForce 9 themselves and it features a freehand on his skirt. I simplyfied the design, but went for it nonetheless. It looks cool, but I sure need to do this more often to feel more comfortable with the technique.

Naergoth Bladelord
Pict 669: Naergoth Bladelord
Naergoth Bladelord
Pict 670: Naergoth Bladelord

After I had finished Graz'zt I found some time to do the highlighting on Naergoth Bladelord here, whom I had started two weeks back since he came in a set with Rath Modar. The skin was an experiment, since I started from a base of Genestealer Purple (as you can see at the bottom of this post). I then highlighted with a 50/50 mix of Genestealer Purple and Rakarth Flesh and finished it up with pure Rakarth Flesh. I like the effect I was able to achive, but I don't know where I ever use this method again.

Vanessa Cyndrial (WIP)
Pict 671:Vanessa Cyndrial (WIP)

And lastly here ist a quick WIP of Vanessa Cyndrial, another miniature from the Critical Role universe. I'm always on the lookout for cool Tiefling miniatures and this one could almost be used in a modern setting with the cool pose and the trenchcoat.


  1. How do you count the number of pictures you've posted? I can count my posts (an embarrassingly low number for an 8 year blog) but not pictures. Love your devilish theme and that leather effect you've achieved on the Vanessa Cyndrial model.

    1. I simply started numbering the pictures with my first post. But I also have a folder on my computer with all the pictures I posted.
      The leather is for right now only Steel Legion Drab with a coat of Nuln Oil, followed by a coat of Agrax Earthshade.

    2. Doesn't matter. The simplest recipes are often the best. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go buy some Steel Legion Drab.
